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FlexRequest messages are used by DSOs to request flexibility from AGRs. In addition to one or more ISP elements with Disposition=Requested, indicating the actual need to reduce consumption or production, the message should also include the remaining ISPs for the current period where Disposition=Available.

  Period             = Period
  ContractID         = String (optional)
  ServiceType        = String (optional)
  CongestionPoint    = EntityAddress
  Revision           = Long
  ExpirationDateTime = DateTime
  <ISP                 (1...n)
    Disposition      = "Available" | "Requested"
    MinPower         = Integer
    MaxPower         = Integer
    Start            = Integer
    Duration         = Integer (optional, default = 1)
Metadata The metadata for this message. For details, see metadata attributes.
Period The Period this FlexRequest message applies to.
ContractID Reference to the concerning contract, if applicable. The contract may be either bilateral or commoditized market contract.
ServiceType Service type for this request, the service type determines response characteristics such as latency or asset participation type. Each contract may specify multiple service-types.
CongestionPoint Entity Address of the Congestion Point this FlexRequest message applies to.
Revision Revision of this message, a sequence number that must be incremented each time a new revision of a FlexRequest message is sent.
ExpirationDateTime Date and time, including the time zone (ISO 8601 formatted as per until when the FlexRequest message is valid.
⇥ Disposition indication whether the Power specified for this ISP represents available capacity or a request for reduction/increase.At least one ISP should have Disposition = Requested
⇥ MinPower Lower bound for available/requested space to deviate from the baseline (in Watts).For further explanation, see section Flexibility trading between the AGR and DSO. Also see the important notes about the sign of this attribute in the ISP element, section power.
⇥ MaxPower Upper bound for available/requested space to deviate from the baseline (in Watts).For further explanation, see section Flexibility trading between the AGR and DSO. Also see the important notes about the sign of this attribute in the ISP element, section power.
⇥ Start Number of the first ISP this element refers to. The first ISP of a day has number 1.
⇥ Duration The number of the ISPs this element represents. Optional, default value is 1.