Upon receiving and processing a DSOPortfolioQuery message, the receiving implementation must reply with a DSOPortfolioQueryResponse, indicating whether the query executed successfully, and if it did, including the query results. Most queries will return zero or more congestion points
ReferenceMessageID = UUID
Result = ("Success" | "Failure")
RejectionReason = String (only if Result = "Failure")
Period = Date
<CongestionPoint (0..n, 0 if Result = "Success")
EntityAddress = EntityAddress
<Connection (1..n)
EntityAddress = EntityAddress
AGR-Domain = InternetDomain (optional)
Metadata | The metadata for this message. For details, see metadata attributes. |
ReferenceMessageID | MessageID of the DSOPortfolioQuery message |
Result | Indication whether the query was executed successfully or failed. |
RejectionReason | In case the query failed, this attribute must contain a human-readable description of the failure reason. |
Period | The period that was queried. This is also the Period for which the portfolio is valid. |
CongestionPoint | The congestion point that was queried. |
⇥ EntityAddress | The entity address of the congestion point. |
⇥ Connection | A Connection that is part of the congestion point. |
⇥ ⇥ EntityAddress | The entity address of the Connection |
⇥ ⇥ AGR-Domain | The internet domain of the AGR that represents the prosumer connected on this Connection, if applicable. |