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Upon receiving and processing a DSOPortfolioQuery message, the receiving implementation must reply with a DSOPortfolioQueryResponse, indicating whether the query executed successfully, and if it did, including the query results. Most queries will return zero or more congestion points

  ReferenceMessageID         = UUID
  Result                     = ("Success" | "Failure")
  RejectionReason            = String (only if Result = "Failure")
  Period                     = Date
  <CongestionPoint             (0..n, 0 if Result = "Success")
    EntityAddress            = EntityAddress
      <Connection              (1..n)
        EntityAddress        = EntityAddress
        AGR-Domain           = InternetDomain (optional)
Metadata The metadata for this message. For details, see metadata attributes.
ReferenceMessageID MessageID of the DSOPortfolioQuery message
Result Indication whether the query was executed successfully or failed.
RejectionReason In case the query failed, this attribute must contain a human-readable description of the failure reason.
Period The period that was queried. This is also the Period for which the portfolio is valid.
CongestionPoint The congestion point that was queried.
⇥ EntityAddress The entity address of the congestion point.
⇥ Connection A Connection that is part of the congestion point.
⇥ ⇥ EntityAddress The entity address of the Connection
⇥ ⇥ AGR-Domain The internet domain of the AGR that represents the prosumer connected on this Connection, if applicable.