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A-plan Aggregator-plan, used as Aggregator’s nomination
AGR Aggregator. Role whose goal it is to maximize the value of flexibility, taking into account customer needs, economical optimization and grid capacity.
BRP Balance Responsible Party
C&I Commercial & Industry
Common Reference Information about the Energy grid and the involved parties, which needs to be unambiguously available to all participating parties.
Congestion Point Point in de grid where the grid capacity is not always sufficient to distribute the requested amount of energy
CRO Common Reference Operator
D-prognosis Prognosis regarding the Distribution of energy
DNO Distribution Network Operator
DSO Distribution System Operator
E-program Energy Program – aggregated (daily) energy transactions of a BRP to be provided to the TSO
FlexOffer Flexibility Offer, response to a Flexibility Request
FlexOrder Flexibility Order, a response to a Flexibility Offer
FlexRequest Flexibility Request
Grid Network for the transport and distribution of energy
ISP Imbalance Settlement Period
MBMA Measure Before Measure After (baseline methodology)
MCM Market-based Coordination Mechanism (USEF)
MDC Meter Data Company
P&S Privacy & Security
Prosumer A consumer which is capable of producing energy as well
Settlement Determining the energy production and consumption and used flexibility as preparation for the billing process.
Supplier Has a contractual relationship with Prosumers to source, supply and invoice energy
TSO Transmission System Operator
UFTP USEF Flex Trading Protocol
USEF Universal Smart Energy Framework